Accessibility statement

Accessibility statement of the Finnish Food Authority

This accessibility statement, prepared/updated on 10 June 2020, applies to the service

The accessibility of the service has been assessed by an external expert organisation.

Accessibility status of the digital service

Fully compliant with the accessibility requirements

Non-accessible content

1. Not covered by the legislation

  • video or voice recordings published before 23 September 2020[K1]
  • office software files (e.g. DOC, PDF, ODT) published before 23 September 2018 that are not needed for using the service

Have you noticed any accessibility defects in our digital service? Let us know and we shall do our best to fix them.

Please send an email to

Supervisory authority

If you notice any accessibility problems on the website, first send feedback to us, i.e. the service administrator. It may take up to 14 days for a reply to be sent to you. If you are not satisfied with the reply, or if you did not receive any reply within two weeks, you can report this to the Regional State Administrative Agency for Southern Finland. Detailed information on how to submit your report and how the matter will be handled is available on the Agency’s website.

[K1]onko vuosiluku oikein?

Date updated: Nov 10, 2020