Life and Fire
Finnish partners: Sameboat LAG
The project will strengthen the ”Night of Bonfires” -concept to include actions and promotion for a cleaner Baltic Sea. In the name of the project the word life refers to the population living by the coast and to a vivid sea environmet.
Interested? Read more: Life and Fire_project partner search
Finnish partners: LAG Outokaira tuottamhan
Local handicraft companies are small and entrepreneurs often act as part time entrepreneurs.
Craftsmanship could be increasingly involved in tourism not only as a souvenir but as design and making
handicrafts. Cooperation with tourism would bring cultural and local content to tourism and new
product ideas, sales channels and customer groups to craftsmen.
Aim of the project is to strengthen the network of handicraft entrepreneurs, arrange workshops,
meetings and company presentations as well learn to know each other to get new ideas.
Interested? Read more: Craft & Tourism
Nature learning project
Finnish partners: LAG Karhuseutu
Nowadays children can be very far away from the nature. They don’t recognize the animals and they might be afraid into nature. Hunting clubs also would like to have youngsters in their actions.
Interested? Read more: Nature learning -project
Ecological Villages -transnational project
Finnish partners: LAG Karhuseutu
We need to make more interest and focus to the environmental matters and find new solutions.
Interested? Read more: Egolocial villages partners search
Water activities -project
Finnish partners: LAG Karhuseutu, LAG Pyhäjärviseutu, LAG Lounaplussa
In Finland we have a great variety of natural waters (the sea, rivers, lakes etc). The
economic benefit of different kinds of water activities is quite weak and requires
Interested? Read more: Water activities project
Historical Iron Work area- project
Finnish partners: LAG Karhuseutu, Iron work area Leineperi
Leineperi area is cultural-historical unic area in Satakunta region surrounded by
beautiful nature. In the area are working now 15 local handicrafts entrepreneurs.
There is one restaurant and museum. Also amateur theatre is playing there.
There are still missing some actions for the families. Also need to find out the
right way to present history for the children and to the audience.
Interested? Read more
Historical Sites in Satakunta project
Finnish partners: LAG Karhuseutu, Satakunta Museum
There are number of historical and archaeological sites in Satakunta that are
poorly known and utilized. Yet these sites have a lot of potential for education,
recreation and tourism. Growing awareness about the significance of historical
sites will strengthen and safeguard their protection and at the same time
benefit the local communities.
Interested? Read more: Historical Sites partnersearch
Crazy Games- transnational project
Originally the event was part of the Week of Lavia, which was held every year for the
past several decades. During the week an acceleration race of riding lawnmowers
was hold. This gathered enough audience to warrant a decision to continue the
We want to spread to the world these funny national games. Join us!
Interested? Read more: Grazy lakes partners search
Protect the Dunes
Partners in Finland: LAG Karhuseutu, City of Pori
The environmental agency of the city of Pori is a municipality level authority
and specialist in nature conservation, nature recreation and management.
The Yyteri dune area suffers from anthropogenic erosion caused by now forbidden large events organised
in the recent years. As a result some areas of the protected dunes are in danger to become extinct. The
Yyteri dune area also suffers from invasive species and overgrowth which is boosted by large amounts of
sea algae and nutritients arriving from sea to the shoreline every summer and fall.
Interested? Read more: Protect the Dunes
International EU Leader groups wanted in the field of bioeconomy!
Seinäjoki University of Applied Sciences (SeAMK) has launched a preliminary project which is developing
bioeconomy in the area of Kuudestaan ry, Finland. The project, called “Vitality from international forest
bioeconomy – preliminary project in Kuudestaan area”, is targeting to improve the knowledge about
bioeconomy and entrepreneurship based opportunities within. It is financed by EU Leader+ Fund.
International Leader groups are invited, especially from Sweden, Czech Republic, Slovakia or Austria to join
and design future cooperative project in the field of bioeconomy.
Interested? Read more: Bioeconomy
The company Lakiasiaintoimisto Haavisto Oy
is a growing Finnish law firm looking for reliable partners. We are searching for law firms that have expertise of the legislation in their countries, with regard to commerce law as well as regulations relating to intra community trade and / or import, export and taxation, in particular. Our goal is to provide services for 1) Finnish companies that are planning to expand their business abroad and to 2) foreign companies that are planning to expand their business to Finland. We already have partners here in Finland, Lingo Languages Oy, Develooppi Oy and PDGE Project Development Group Europe.
The services we and our partners provide consist of planning the route to international markets and providing the services these companies need or want to act on the plan. An ideal partner for our company is a law firm that has the interest, knowledge and ability to learn as well as possesses the necessary resources to perform when needed. We value your desire to become a part of a global network and develop high quality services for our clients. If you are interested in getting additional information, please contact us by email elma(@) or by phone +35840 5353 211
Interested? Read more: Introduction Lakiasiaintoimisto Haavisto Oy
Women the hunter –project
Women the hunter -project aims to create a women hunters network. This network connects women hunting group’s knowledge, culture and experience to enhance understanding and cooperation of the women hunters´ activities nationally and internationally as well as hunting communities in general. The objective of the network is: 1) help women hunters to create and develop activities for their members, 2) involve young people into outdoor activities and hunting by education that emphasises the sustainable use and the appreciation of the Nature 3) improve the image of the hunting by organising events and activities for public. In addition, new development guidelines will be searched and created for hunting and outdoor activities by studying and comparing traditional and national hunting cultures especially from the educational point of view. National cooperation is strengthen and thus ensuring that renewing hunting and outdoor activities benefit rural areas also in future.
The aim is to find network partners from groups representing wide range of different kind of women hunter´s activities and groups in 2-5 different countries in Europe and possible one or two groups outside of Europe including national women hunter groups for the network. Suitable women hunter’s events and happenings will be attended in order to have chance to introduce the project idea for wider audience.
Interested? Read more: Women the hunter