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What is and what does BCO stand for? is the website of Finland’s national Broadband Competence Office (BCO). The website provides information to anyone interested in broadband and broadband network deployment.

The national Broadband Competence Offices form a European-wide network. The network exchanges information and best practices, which each national BCO then shares in their region.

The BCO website shares information about broadband deployment and availability and the progress of digitalisation. The website provides information about funding options and the rules governing aid and broadband network construction. Information sharing is technology-neutral across technologies.

Organisation of the Finnish national Broadband Competence Office

The Finnish national Broadband Competence Office is a virtual organisation. It comprises the following public Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry, the Finnish administrative authority for the Rural Development Programme for Mainland Finland 2014–2020. The Development Programme finances broadband investments and digitalisation in rural areas.

  • Ministry of Transport and Communications, whose responsibilities include broadband related legislation and the preparation of the broadband strategy.
  • Finnish Food Authority, whose responsibilities include instructing on the implementation of the aid from the Rural Development Programme for Mainland Finland, electronic transactions and data systems, and aid payments.
  • Finnish Transport and Communications Agency (TRAFICOM) is the aid-granting authority for broadband project funding as laid down in the Broadband Subsidies Act. In addition, TRAFICOM’s broadband promotion related duties include user guidance, technical regulations and market surveillance.

The BCO is a collaborative effort by different authorities; it is not a public authority and it does not have governmental functions.

Date updated: May 31, 2021

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