Organic production coordination project (ended in 2017)

The aim of the organic production coordination project is to make organic produce a common topic of discussion, to increase understanding and efforts with regard to organic produce, and to forge a network of support and partnership for developers of the organic sector, closely connected to industry players.

​The Organic production coordination project serves regional projects by providing them with pre-conceptualised communicational and operational tools and by promoting the exchange of information and experiences between developers.

The project has communicational and operational objectives. The communicational objective is to make organic produce a common topic of discussion for developers, to enhance understanding, efforts, knowledge and the visibility of organic produce. Another communicational objective is to brighten the image of organic products in the food chain and in regions.

The operational objective of the project is to build an inspiring and knowledgeable support and partnership network for the growth of the organic sector. A further objective is to coordinate the efforts of regional projects and to highlight good regional examples.

As a result of the coordination project, cooperation between regional projects will increase and actors in the value chain of organic produce will find project activities useful. As a result of increased and common communications, public awareness of organic produce will increase, and the appreciation of organic production and organic products will improve among developers and in the organic food chain in general.

The project will indirectly increase the growth of organic production, food entrepreneurship in the sector in rural areas and promote the development of productivity in the organic sector and the growth of markets.

Date updated: Feb 17, 2020