E service applications

Applications through e-services

During this programming period, the number of subsidies that are funded under the Rural Development Programme and that can be applied for through e-services has been increased.

Most applications for subsidies are submitted through e-services

Since 2009, the submittal of applications for farmer support has been possible through e-services, and, by 2015, the proportion of such applications amounted to 86%. In addition to submitting applications, farmers may view information on their farms and reference parcels using the map service.

Since 2015, the submittal of applications for financial support for companies and projects in rural areas, agricultural investment subsidies and start-up support for young farmers has been possible through e-services. With regard to the various forms of support for rural development, the option of submitting applications through e-services has been well received, with the majority of applications having been delivered via this channel.

The work of the applicant and administration is intensified

Not only the application submittal process but also the administrative work will be carried out using the e-services. Authorities process applications using the same e-service as the applicants. Decisions will be sent to the applicants through e-services, where all documents are also archived. The entire process will be electronic, which will intensify administrative work significantly.

People applying for support have provided positive feedback regarding the e-services. The e-services provide instructions on drafting applications, thereby reducing the number of errors that the applicant may make. As the services are available at all times, they save the applicant’s time.

The Agency for Rural Affairs is responsible for the development and maintenance of the e-services and the IT systems. The key IT systems were modernised in anticipation of the programming period 2014-2020.

The programming period 2014-2020 is open for applications

• Applications for farmer support could be submitted until 12 May 2015.
• Start-up support for young farmers opened for applications on 30 March.
• Financial support for companies and projects in rural areas opened for applications on 11 May.
• Agricultural investment subsidies opened for applications on 17 June.

All these forms of support can be applied for through e-services.

Date updated: Feb 17, 2020