
Introducing the competing villages

33 villages from all over Finland have entered the Finland's Smartest Village competition.

Villages on the map here (link)

Northern Finland

Rautiosaari, Rovaniemi

  • About 550 inhabitants
  • Plans: Investigate how to utilise and develop the use of the fibreoptic cable network. Develop village communications, exploit the stunning natural environment in recreational activities and development, develop the Hiidenkirnut giant’s kettle area, develop the beach area, cooperate with neighbouring villages and activate villagers to participate in village development.
  • Themes: Schools, transport services, social welfare and health care services, business development, to attract new inhabitants, local food
  • Facebook

Lehtojärvi, Rovaniemi

  • About 300 inhabitants
  • Plans: Focus on increasing awareness of the village and its attractiveness.
  • Themes: Young people, business development, to attract new inhabitants

Pyhä/Pyhäjärvi, Pelkosenniemi

  • "You can not really say, how many inhabitants there are in Pyhä. If you feel like a Pyhä villager, you are one. Some live permanently here, some live here every now and then. If we absolutely need to say something, we say we have about 250 inhabitants"
  • Plans: To develop local services, including various leisure activities for different ages, but also to arrange a school and day care in the area
  • Themes: Schools, young people, immigrants/new residents, business development

Käylä, Kuusamo

  • About 300 inhabitants
  • Enhancing the attractiveness of the village (more families with children are needed in the area in order to keep the local school in operation), strengthening the villagers' digital competence and developing the village house services.
  • Themes: Schools, social welfare and health care services, young people, the elderly, to attract new inhabitants
  • www.käylä.fi
  • Facebook

Paakkola, Tervola

  • About 160 inhabitants
  • Plans: To improve everyday safety, inclusion and wellbeing at various stages of life, to secure access to services in the village by developing partnership models for the provision of welfare services in collaboration by the third, public and private sector actors and to create a partnership model for the third, public and private sector, including the production of communication and welfare information.
  • Themes: Transport services, social welfare and health care services, young people, immigrants/new residents, the elderly, to attract new inhabitants, local food, development of and support to third sector business, development of village activities
  • Facebook

Nakertaja-Hetteenmäki, Kajaani

  • About 2400 inhabitants
  • Plans: to help the elderly living at home by improving services targeted at them, for example through digital solutions, to engage young people in village activities, to enhance cooperation with the local University of Applied Sciences
  • Themes: Social welfare and health care services, young people, the elderly, to attract new inhabitants

Vuolijoki, Kajaani

  • About 2100 inhabitants
  • Plans: develop the attractiveness of the village, create jobs, promote living in the countryside, develop the school, enhance cooperation between different communities, pop up activities. Contacts, both face-to-face and virtual, followers are also appreciated. More action in the centre. The focus is now on developing the school and increasing awareness of the region, including virtually.
  • Themes: Schools, transport services, young people, immigrants/new residents, business development, to attract new inhabitants
  • Facebook

Pohjavaara, Sotkamo

  • About 250 inhabitants
  • Plans: Preserving the vitality of villages, development of joint activities, the introduction of modernity in village life, promotion of communication, support for school activities.
  • Themes: Schools, transport services, young people, immigrants/new residents, the elderly, business development, to attract new inhabitants, local food
  • Facebook

Middle Finland

Kuusaa-Jokela, Haapajärvi

  • About 200 inhabitants
  • The intention is to raise village activities (clubs, rentals, services, etc.) to a whole new level.
  • Themes: Social welfare and health care services, young people, immigrants/new residents, the elderly, business development, to attract new inhabitants, local food
  • Facebook

Ruotsala, Kauhava

  • About 750 inhabitants
  • Plans: To enhance comfort and safety of housing, establish a social enterprise, develop partnerships with various associations and other actors.
  • Themes: Schools, transport services, social welfare and health care services, young people, immigrants/new residents, the elderly, business development, local food

Luoma-aho, Alajärvi

  • About 350 inhabitants (and 450 jobs!)
  • Plans: development and construction of a school and village house. Ensuring the versatile use of the village house.
  • Themes: Schools, social welfare and health care services, young people, immigrants/new residents, the elderly, business development, to attract new inhabitants, local food

Alakylä, Kauhava

  • About 500 inhabitans
  • Plans: To come up with new ideas for the development of the village and financing of the development. To focus on how to attract new inhabitants.
  • Themes: To attract new inhabitants, new fundraising methods and the overall development of the village.
  • Facebook

Karvala, Lappajärvi

  • Plans: To tackle the challenges involved in depopulation and ageing
  • Themes: Schools, transport services, young people, the elderly, to attract new inhabitants

Rikkavesi, Outokumpu

  • About 220 inhabitants
  • Development of connections and mobility, improving digital connections
  • Themes: transport services, young people, immigrants/new residents, the elderly
  • Facebook

Venesjärvi, Kankaanpää

  • About 500 inhabitants
  • Plans: improving communications, to attract new inhabitants (families with children in particular), improving road safety, bringing different generations together. Solutions are searched specifically in digital services, and therefore the aim is to improve villagers’ digital competence.
  • Themes: Schools, transport services, young people, immigrants/new residents, the elderly, business development, to attract new inhabitants
  • Facebook

Killinkoski, Virrat

Murole, Ruovesi

  • About 300 inhabitants
  • Plans: A fibreoptic cable will be installed in the village and this will also provide a reliable electrical grid in the form of an underground cable. Activities for and living conditions of the elderly will be also be improved through cooperation.
  • Themes: Transport services, social welfare and health care services, young people, the elderly, local food

Talviainen, Orivesi

  • About 110 inhabitants
  • Plans: development of services, inclusion of summer residents, to attract new residents to plots equipped with fibreoptic cable connection
  • Themes: Transport services, social welfare and health care services, young people, immigrants/new residents, the elderly, to attract new inhabitants, local food

Raudanmaa, Kangasala

  • About 600 inhabitants
  • Plans: To raise the social intelligence and influence skills of the village and to strengthen the village's own brand. The fibreoptic cable facilitates the emergence of new businesses and the idea is to set up a business incubator by local entrepreneurs.
  • Themes: Schools, social welfare and health care services, the elderly, business development

Luopioinen, Pälkäne

  • About 800 inhabitants
  • Activating holiday home residents to participate in village development, enhancing well-being, developing various housing options, developing business activities from our starting points, involvement of residents, enhancing cooperation.
  • Themes: Transport services, the elderly, business development, to attract new inhabitants

Pihlajavesi, Keuruu

  • A bit more than 400 inhabitants
  • Plans: Prepare for the future by considering together what a smart village is, and the role of digitalisation in it. Prepare to introduce future technologies, forge networks between people, develop learning materials on key topics.
  • Themes: Schools, social welfare and health care services, the elderly, business development
  • Facebook

Syvälahti, Äänekoski

  • About 200 inhabitants
  • Excellent utilisation of the village terrain (including the Mörköpolku nature trail and related events), the development of attractive events, a 10-year plan, exploitation of the inhabitants' competencies.
  • Themes: Schools, transport services, social welfare and health care services, young people, immigrants/new residents, the elderly, business development, to attract new inhabitants, local food
  • www.syvä

Mämmenkylä, Äänekoski

  • Over 700 inhabitants
  • Plans: The intention is to have a school in the village to replace the old one which was closed. The aim is to extend the activity season of the Metsäpirtti village house beyond the summer months. We aim for more local services and making biodiversity better available for both recreational and business purposes. The village plan will be updated.
  • Themes: Schools, social welfare and health care services, young people, the elderly, business development, to attract new inhabitants, local food
  • Facebook: group and page

Northern Korpilahti villages, Korpilahti

  • Plans: The aim is to keep the elderly in the villages, close by and as part of village life by offering them pleasant living facilities in a familiar environment and the required services.
  • Themes Schools, transport services, social welfare and health care services, the elderly, business development, to attract new inhabitants, local food

Soinilansalmi, Leppävirta

  • About 110 inhabitants
  • Plans: Better opportunities for new residents to move into the village (now the land policy program is restricting), improvement of the road network
  • Themes: Transport services, social welfare and health care services, young people, immigrants/new residents, the elderly, business development, to attract new inhabitants, local food

Hokka, Kangasniemi

  • About 500 inhabitants
  • Plans:To activate holiday home residents, the maintenance of holiday homes and conversions for year-round use. To stop depopulation and increase the number of inhabitants. Current plans include a house and cottage fair, consulting visits by a cottage doctor to holiday residences and marketing of telework.
  • Facebook

Kerisalo, Joroinen

  • Plans: Generation of ideas in progress with the villagers: for example, 200 jobs in the village.
  • Themes: Schools, transport services, social welfare and health care services, young people, immigrants/new residents

Kuivaspää, Lempäälä

  • About 250 inhabitants
  • Plans: To tackle the challenges of rural areas close to a big city, particularly with regard to land use. How to combine good location, services and respect for the rural environment? Building a future image for the village.
  • Themes: Immigrants/new residents
  • Facebook

Southern Finland

Vähikkälä, Janakkala

  • About 450 inhabitants
  • Plans: setting up a local service centre – plans are ready!
  • Themes: Schools, transport services, social welfare and health care services, young people, the elderly, business development, to attract new inhabitants, local food
  • Facebook

Märynummi, Salo

  • Over 1000 inhabitants
  • Plans: To develop the village into an attractive place of residence particularly for families with children. This would happen through the development of services: school, day care centre, plots, sports facilities... The village wants to attract new entrepreneurs and enable residents to participate more.
  • Themes:Schools, young people, immigrants/new residents, to attract new inhabitants
  • Facebook

Röölä, Naantali

  • About 100 inhabitants
  • Plans: Keeping the village, situated along the archipelago route, tidy, safe and lively. Inclusion of villagers. The beautiful village will apply to become a United Nations’ World Heritage Site.
  • Themes: Transport services, young people, the elderly, business development, local food Former residents of the area who have returned to their roots, holiday home owners and tourists.
  • Facebook

Sydänmaa, Säkylä

  • About 200 inhabitants
  • Plans: Broad-based networking and cooperation with actors in the local region
Date updated: Feb 17, 2020