The purpose of the communication campaign ‘A Matter of Choice.’ (Puhdas valintakysymys.) is to highlight the actions by Finnish agricultural producers take to support the climate and environment. One reason to favour domestic food is the environmental work done by the Finnish agriculture. This is purely a matter of choice.
The communication campaign presents three different agricultural producers from different parts of Finland. They all have their own perspectives towards environmental issues, the purity of products and the operation of the farm. What they all have in common is that each of them highlights the importance of the consumer’s role: farms produce things that consumers buy. They all also feel that it is important to do their job so that the nature surrounding them that produces crops thrives.
On one hand, the producers also recognise the importance of environmental subsidies: they considered to have a real impact on the state of the environment, and on the other hand, the subsidies also steer activities: without them, some things would probably be done slightly differently.